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Thunderhawk 2 - Firestorm
Thunderhawk 2 - Firestorm - Playstation - Console Sony
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General Information
Game Name (internal ScreenScraper)
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Thunderhawk 2 - Firestorm
Game name (by Region)
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   Japon Thunderhawk II
Continent Américain
   USA Thunderstrike 2
Europe Firestorm : Thunderhawk 2
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Shooter / FPV
Release date(s)
Regions Information Proposed by
USA 10/12/1995
Japon 24/05/1996
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Allemand Dein Name ist General John T. Maclaine und du bist der Pilot von Firestorm 1, dem Leitwolf für spezielle Angriffsmissionen in verschiedenen Teilen der Welt. Dein Hubschrauber ist extrem leistungsstark und verfügt über folgende Waffen: 30-mm-Kanone, Firestorm-Zielsuchrakete, Raketenpod, Runaway Cratering System (Bomben), die Mk-84 500-Pfund-Bombe, Streubomben und die Anti-Schiffsrakete. Diese Waffen - sowie hervorragende Ausweich- und Angriffsmanöver - sollten ausreichen, um bei Angriffen auf Drogenhändler und Terroristen von Kolumbien bis zum Irak erfolgreich zu sein.
Anglais Your name is General John T. Maclaine and you are the pilot of Firestorm 1, the lead dog in special attack missions to various parts of the world. Your helicopter is extremely powerful and carries the following weapons: 30mm Chain Gun, Firestorm Homing Missile, Rocket Pod, Runaway Cratering System (bombs), the Mk-84 500-Pound Bomb, Cluster Bombs, and the Anti-Ship Missile. These weapons -- plus excellent evasive, and attack maneuvers -- should be enough to help you succeed in attacks on drug runners and terrorists, from Columbia to Iraq.
Thunder Strike 2 is the sequel to Core's Amiga, ST, PC & Sega CD game, AH-3 Thunderstrike. Like the previous game in the series, this is a helicopter simulator/shooter. It features realistic features like multiple weapons selection, full freedom of movement, and a mission-based structure. On the other hand, it also throws lots and lots of enemy tanks and helicopters at you to blow up.
The graphics in Thunderstrike 2 are drawn completely with 3D polygons, including the helicopter's cockpit. As you track an enemy, the view changes so that it is always in your sights. There are 8 campaigns to complete, each with multiple missions.
A blistering airborne monster of a game, offering 37 levels of arcade action viewed from the cockpit of a Thunderhawk attack helicopter. Firestorm offers all the thrills and spills of flying without the need to master the complexities of more traditional flight simulations.
The speed and attention to detail in the graphics will hit you between the eyes, while a gentle gameplay undercurrent that calls for strategic thinking during missions - as well as for arcade-sharp reflexes - ensures that Firestorm Thunderhawk 2 will present an extended challenge to the most trigger-happy aviator. Clearly a thinking man's shoot-em-up, Firestorm also offers the fun and satisfaction of a flight sim without the learning curve and concentration needed just to stay in the air.
Espagnol Tu nombre es General John T. Maclaine y eres el piloto de Firestorm 1, el principal lider en misiones especiales de ataque a varias partes del mundo. Tu helicóptero es extremadamente poderoso y lleva las siguientes armas: cañón de cadena de 30 mm, misil tormenta de fuego, lanza cohetes, sistema de bombas, la bomba Mk-84 de 500 libras, bombas de racimo y el misil antibuque. Estas armas, además de excelentes maniobras evasivas y de ataque, deberían ser suficientes para ayudarte a tener éxito en los ataques contra narcotraficantes y terroristas, desde Columbia hasta Iraq.

Thunder Strike 2 es la secuela del juego de CD Amiga, ST, PC y Sega de Core, AH-3 Thunderstrike. Al igual que el juego anterior de la serie, este es un simulador / tirador de helicóptero. Cuenta con características realistas como la selección de múltiples armas, total libertad de movimiento y una estructura basada en la misión. Por otro lado, también arroja muchísimos tanques y helicópteros enemigos para que explotes.

Los gráficos en Thunderstrike 2 están dibujados completamente con polígonos 3D, incluida la cabina del helicóptero. A medida que rastreas a un enemigo, la vista cambia para que siempre esté a la vista. Hay 8 campañas para completar, cada una con múltiples misiones.
Français Montez à bord d'un hélicoptère de combat dans le jeu d'action Thunderhawk 2 : Firestorm sur Playstation. Cette suite de AH-3 Thunderstrike propose 8 campagnes chacune constituée de plusieurs missions différentes. Utilisez votre armement et vos talents de pilote pour réussir chaque objectif.
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .