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Kamaitachi No Yoru Advance
Kamaitachi No Yoru Advance - Game Boy Advance - Console Portable Nintendo
General Information
General Information
Game Name (internal ScreenScraper)
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Kamaitachi No Yoru Advance
Game name (by Region)
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   Japon Kamaitachi no Yoru Advance
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Adventure / Visual Novel
Release date(s)
Regions Information Proposed by
Japon 28/06/2002
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Kamaitachi No Yoru
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Allemand Kamaitachi no Yoru ist der zweite Titel in der nach Bruder Kiriso erschienenen Lautromanreihe. Der Tonroman ist ein Roman mit einer mehrschichtigen Struktur, mit realistischen Klängen, Toneffekten und schönen Bildern, die sogar die Psychologie des Spiels darstellen. Der Schauplatz der "Nacht des Kamai-tachi" ist eine Winterrente. In dieser Rente werden die Protagonisten in einen mysteriösen Mordfall verwickelt. Werden Sie in der Lage sein, den Mörder zu finden und den Fall zu lösen? Zusätzlich zum einfachen Durchlesen des Textes gibt es auch Szenarien, die das Ende und die Weltsicht je nach den von Ihnen getroffenen Entscheidungen verändern, so dass es ein Spiel ist, das wiederholt gespielt werden kann.
Anglais Tōru and his girlfriend Mari are on vacation at a skiing lodge when they find themselves suddenly drawn into a horrible murder mystery. The player must solve the crime. If they are too slow in collecting clues, additional murders will be committed, and will eventually result in a horror movie-like ending. The goal is to complete the story and get a certain number of endings. When this happens, two more stories are unlocked. Getting every possible ending of all three stories will unlock two more stories, these being self-parodies. Completing these unlocks one final feature, a parody of Torneko no Daibōken: Fushigi no Dungeon. None of the stories are related to each other in any way, but they all feature the same characters.

The gameplay mostly consists of still pictures with text covering the whole screen, which must be read. The player must make choices, including the choice of pointing out who the murderer is.
Espagnol Kamaitachi no Yoru es un juego de aventuras de temática adulta que comienza cuando el héroe y su prometida se adentran en los deportes de invierno y evolucionan hacia una investigación para detener a un peligroso asesino. El juego se ve como "Getsumen no Anubis", porque sus protagonistas siempre están representados por sombras, mientras que las muchas páginas de texto que se desplazan incansablemente llaman al jugador para que haga pocas elecciones.
Français Kamaitachi no Yoru est un jeu d'aventure à la thématique adulte qui commence alors que le héros et sa fiancée sont aux sports d'hiver et qui évolue en une enquête pour arrêter un dangereux meurtrier. Le jeu ressemble à "Getsumen no Anubis", car ses protagonistes sont toujours représentés par des ombres tandis que les nombreuses pages de texte qui défilent inlassablement n'appellent le joueur à faire des choix que très rarement.
Italien Kamaitachi no Yoru è un gioco d'avventura a tema adulto che inizia con l'eroe e la sua fidanzata in una stazione di sport invernali e si evolve in un'indagine per fermare un pericoloso assassino. Il gioco assomiglia a "Getsumen no Anubis" in quanto i suoi protagonisti sono sempre rappresentati da ombre, mentre le numerose pagine di testo che scorrono all'infinito chiamano il giocatore a compiere delle scelte solo molto raramente.
Portugais Kamaitachi no Yoru é um jogo de aventura com um tema adulto que começa com o herói e a sua noiva numa estância de desportos de Inverno e evolui para uma investigação para deter um assassino perigoso. O jogo assemelha-se a "Getsumen no Anubis" na medida em que os seus protagonistas são sempre representados por sombras, enquanto as muitas páginas de texto que rolam sem fim apelam ao jogador para fazer escolhas apenas muito raramente.
General Information
Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .