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Fantastic Dizzy
Fantastic Dizzy - Master System - Console SEGA
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Fantastic Dizzy
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Europe Fantastic Dizzy
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Europe 1993
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Allemand Der böse Zauberer Zaks hat das friedliche Yolkfolk mit einem Bann belegt, und während viele unter seinen Bann fielen, haben andere andere Probleme zu bewältigen, darunter Dizzy, der mit ansehen musste, wie seine Freundin Daisy entführt und von Zaks als Geisel genommen wurde, und es liegt an ihm, das Yolkfolk wieder in die Normalität zurückzuführen und Daisy von der Spitze des Turms der Wolkenburg zu retten.

In vielerlei Hinsicht ist es das technisch fortschrittlichste von Dizzys Abenteuerspielen. Es war das einzige Spiel, das einen echten Bildlauf statt eines Flick-Screen-Systems aufwies, das einzige Spiel, das nicht für die 8-Bit-Computer veröffentlicht wurde, auf denen der Charakter seinen Ursprung hatte, das einzige Spiel, das auf einer Konsole entstand, und das außerdem viele Minispiele enthielt, wie z. B. Bubble Dizzy und einen Operation Wolf-Klon.
Anglais The evil wizard Zaks has cast a spell on the peaceful Yolkfolk, and while many fell under his spell, others have other problems to deal with, including Dizzy, who saw his girlfriend Daisy kidnapped and taken hostage by Zaks, and it's up to him to restore the Yolkfolk to normal and rescue Daisy from the top of the Cloud Castle's tower.

The most technically-advanced of Dizzy's adventure games in many ways, it was the only one to feature actual scrolling rather than a flick-screen system, the only one not to be released for the 8 bit computers the character originated on, the only one to originate on a console, as well as featuring many mini-games, such as Bubble Dizzy and an Operation Wolf clone.

Gameplay involves walking Dizzy through the levels, picking up objects and using them to solve simple puzzles. There are plenty of tests of arcade skill along the way as well, as gaps must be jumped and baddies avoided - starting with a limited number of lives, the player can earn more by completing Theodore's puzzle. Before rescuing Daisy the player must capture all stars that unlock the gates of the tower.
Espagnol Esta es la aventura animada de Dizzy en Zakeria. Explora las misteriosas minas de diamantes, las fabulosas cavernas, la guarida del dragón y el castillo en las nubes. Te encontrarás con extraños magos, brujos, trolls, piratas, duendes y muchas otras criaturas extraordinarias.
Français Fantastic Dizzy est un jeu de plates-formes/aventure sur Master System. Le méchant magicien Zaks a jeté un sort à tous les habitants du village et a kidnappé la fiancée de Dizzy. Le but du joueur sera bien évidemment de la récupérer mais également de sauver les villageois. La jouabilité repose sur un mélange de plates-formes et d'énigmes à résoudre (en ramassant différents objets et en les utilisant au bon endroit).
Italien Fantastic Dizzy è un platform / adventure per Master System. Il malvagio mago Zaks ha lanciato un incantesimo su tutti gli abitanti del villaggio e ha rapito la fidanzata di Dizzy. L'obiettivo del giocatore sarà ovviamente quello di recuperarlo ma anche di salvare gli abitanti del villaggio. Il gameplay si basa su un mix di piattaforme e puzzle da risolvere (raccogliendo oggetti diversi e usandoli nel posto giusto).
Portugais O maligno mago Zaks lançou um feitiço sobre os pacíficos Yolkfolk e, enquanto muitos caíram sob seu feitiço, outros têm outros problemas para lidar, incluindo Dizzy, que viu sua namorada Daisy ser sequestrada e tomada como refém por Zaks, e cabe a ele restaurar os Yolkfolk ao normal e resgatar Daisy do topo da torre do Cloud Castle.

A jogabilidade envolve controlar Dizzy através das fases, pegar objetos e usá-los para resolver quebra-cabeças simples. Há muitos testes de habilidade de arcade ao longo do caminho, assim como as lacunas que devem ser saltadas e os inimigos evitados - começando com um número limitado de vidas, o jogador pode ganhar mais completando o quebra-cabeça de Theodore. Antes de resgatar Daisy, o jogador deve capturar todas as estrelas que destrancam os portões da torre.
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .